Thursday, June 10, 2010

who are you ? -.-'

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    Heyy Adam, I miss you :)

    Heyy stranger , I miss you too :)
    adamputra answered yesterday
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    Aww, well you know who I am :)

    Hmmm , seriously , the way you asked me reminded me on someone that I really love before . but , who are you ?
    adamputra answered yesterday
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    may I know who is she ? Hmm , you don't need to know who I am. Its better :)

    hmmm , her name is Fiqaa Redzuan . I love her , I don't know if she loves me anymore . now tell me who are you ? :)
  1. Delete your response

    Oh i see Fiqaa . Like i said , its better if you don't know who I am. But you don't need to worry because i'm not Fiqaa kay :)

    I think I know who you are ? -.-
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    You said you know who I am , hahaha . :D

    serious , tell me who are you ?
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    Well you don't need to know who I am , i'm sorry . Its better, based on some reasons. I just want you to know , that I miss you so much :)

    but ? please tell me who are you ? I need to know who are you ?

  1. adamputra

    I'm sorry Adam , I can't tell you who I am. I'm just one of your friends or maybe your ex friends.

    maksud you , you ni kawan Fiqaa ?

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    Tak lansung . I kenal Fiqaa pun dari you.

    urghhh -.-' what ever . tell me who are you ? why being so selfish ?

  1. Delete your response

    I'm not selfish okay. If I tell you who I am . I'm a dead meat.

    HAHA ! that's funny -.- okay , Question&Answer session ended .

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  1. Delete your response

    I don't think that is funny -.- . whatever bye

    come on ! tell me , who are you ? there's nothing to be afraid .


  1. kesian you...
    tak rimas ke?

  2. Dia tak perlu rimas ,
    sebab orang tu memang rindukan dia .
    or maybe you guys ada gaduh masa you guys friends ?

  3. adam, i rase i tau kot sape ni...

  4. haha, lanc gila kau dam.
