Monday, May 31, 2010

the new era begin

okay . the time is coming . the time for me to enjoy is over . okay , focus on college now . say goodbye to my friend Adiq and Najiy . they already went to MMU Melaka . by this week , it's time for me and Izz to go . yeah , we had a wonderful time at sunway lagoon last saturday . that is the last we hang out at least for this time . we went out at 8.00 am , went back 12.00 . that is the longest period of time we ever reached :') okay , I only took one photo . but there's no picture of me have been taken :( seriously , I'm gonna miss the moment at sunway lagoon :) Adiq and Taufiq , are going to be an Accountant , taking Accounting Studies . Najiy and Sam are going to take Business Admin Studies . Izz , Hotel and Management Studies . myself , Aircraft Engineering Studies . hope we'll succeed :) okayy , bye bye :D

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with every day
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears

That's why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

I'm sorry for all that I do . I know I shouldn't do that . I'm sorry cause I never give you some space for you to prove me . in this world , I have three things I loves the most , family , myself and friends . but you know what , I love you so much . there's nothing among those three and in this world can change it .

Thursday, May 20, 2010

you've changed ?

my dear . what happened to you lately ? suddenly you've changed ! you like don't wanna talk to me anymore don't you ? why ? do I have hurt you ? you don't even tell me your problem . why not tell me your father in the hospital ? if someone didn't told me  , I didn't know until now . you keep busying yourself aren't you ? but why ? you really don't have to do this . if you don't want me to talk or be with you just say it . I will make my move . I don't want to stay with full of lies . I want to keep myself away from you . if that makes you talk . I just need to know why you doing this ? if you still remain silent , I guess I have to shut my mouth from saying anything to you . if you know what I meant . seriously , I miss the old of you .

Monday, May 17, 2010


I love this cover ! cantik kan ?
Hahaha ! sumpah lawa :)
this is the second time I changed the cover for my BlackBerry -.-'

Saturday, May 15, 2010

woot woot !

just got back from lepak with my friend at andalus . that's the first time I go and lepak with my friend at andalus . usually we go and hang out at hartamas square . yea , we had so much fun at there ! laugh and laugh , lot of people at there . it's located somewhere in ampang . anyway , they provide shisha and arabian beverages/food . Hahaha :D . maybe they have the cheapest shisha price at only rm6 . went back home at 2.30 am . luckily my mom didn't get angry :o . yea , enter the house and I see McD at the table . today , I ate McD for two times ! I'm soooo full with McD XD . guess what ? my dad isn't at home . he went to JB . Hahaha ! that's why I can go and hang out with my friend . woot woot ! hmmm , end of this month we are planning to go to sunway lagoon ! yea ! before all of us going to college , we want to enjoy and enjoy and ENJOY ! after this , no more hang out , no more playing -.-' . okay , my eyes won't let me to stay awake . keep it short . seeee yaaaa :D


yea , again you leaved me -.- seriously , what is wrong with you girl ? do you have a problem ? tell me now . if there's anything , ANYTHING I can do . I will do do anything for you . I don't know what else to say , I'm losing to much of hope . no one can hear my problem . actually , I'm so tired in this situation . trust me , this is the last I'm gonna say this . I'm so fed up . the only way out is , we should end our relationship although it is so hard for me to let you go . we should be separated . kan ? do you still love me ? or am I being so stupid ?  know what , I'm soooo in love with you again . can I love you for the second time ? I LOVE YOU ♥                    

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

give it a try

I still love you . I'm afraid to tell the truth . I'm kinda scared of this relationship . it never be a successful relationship . why must you being so stubborn ? please , change your attitude . I hate it when you make me cry and cry . when every time I make you happy , you always make me go down . you will never understand me . I don't know what is wrong with you . right now , I miss you like a dead . I'm trying to forget you . believe me , it is so hard for me to erase you from my mind . it like torturing me enough . why there's no happiness between us ? are we were born not to be together ? trust me , I'm giving all my heart and soul just for you . can you make my life turn into a wonderful life ? even once ? I really hope that  , one day we can have a really good relationship . at least , God please give me something a little more different before I go to college . a new world , are there any miracle ? no more fighting , no more misunderstanding . know what , I really hate it when I have to argue with the one that I love . I just don't like it . we keep fighting and fighting and fighting . each time we start our conversation , it would be end with a fight . it shouldn't be like that . or , we were not meant to be together .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Heyy heyy :D

 felt so lazy nowadays!
Hahaha ! Idk why :)
today my parent taking M.C .
so , it is difficult for me to go out -.-
but , MAYBE we will go to I-City Shah Alam after this :)
hooooraaaayyy !
talking about mother's day ?
isn't it today ? oh , Hahaha !
again Idk :p
anyway , to you mom , you are the greatest mom ever !
I love you so much !
hmmm , what else huh ? 
oh yeah , next month I'm going for college :)
omg ! I have to recall all the subject especially for math !
no more playing , no more hang out with friends :(
haaaa , and one more thing , I want to buy a cover for my BlackBerry lah :)
okay , keep it short :/

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh , bagus lah macam tu kan ? -.-

I know EVERYTHING ! WHY you doing me like this !?
you've promise me ? where the hell is you promise ?
I keep waiting for you EVERYDAY ! and baguslah ! buat macam ni !
can you stay for ME even just for ONE DAY ?!
 text pun macam tak nak text , baik tak payah text ! buat SAKIT HATI !
if I call you , you'll never ANSWER ! 
dah lah susah nak contact dengan you . every weekend je kan ?! 
susah sangat ke ?
the same goes every week !
oh , baru I tahu kenapa YOU tak reply !
maybe sebab you tu BUSY OTP kan ?!
sorry lah BUDAK ni MENGANGGU you !
baik tak payah text I macam tu ! 
kalau setakat nak text I macam tu , tak payah . FORGET IT !
I am soooooo SICK and FED UP !
yela , I ni mean NOTHING to you !