Tuesday, February 9, 2010

sunday night movie

have you guys watch this movie ?
omg ! it was damn horror .
more suspense than any other zombies film .
i watch this movie on astro :)
cerita dia about 1 group yang stuck dalam apartment yang ada virus that carried by a dog .
to prevent the virus from spreading , they all get quarantine inside the apartment and nobody can get out .
anyone who trying to get out will get shoot by the soldier .
the story begin when one of the resident turn into a flesh-eating zombies !
the other resident have to survive inside the apartment that full of zombies tu .
so , anyone who get bitten by the zombies will turn into a living creatures yang menyeramkan . err , i think tak perlu lah nak cerita panjang dekat you guys , you guys have to watch sendiri :)
but , ending cerita ni macam tak berapa nak best .
yelah , nobody manage to escape from the apartment ALIVE !
so i cakap to my dad , " alah , ending dia tah apa apa entah , tak kan semua mati " ?
then my dad said , " habis tu , engkau ingat semua cerita ending dia nak best je ke " ?
terus i tergelak , HAHAHAHAH !


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