Tuesday, February 9, 2010

awwww , new year's eve together with my bitrhday

last 31st december was my birthday . i was soooo excited for the whole day . HAHA ! my birthday lah kan :D . my dad and my mom dah setkan satu restaurant for dinner at capsquare . before the dinner , I have to wake up early in the morning sebab nak hantar my dad pergi kerja and temankan my sister yang baru nak masuk form 1 . ngeeeeee :D . lepas hantar my dad kerja , pergi sekolah tengok my adik jap . she look so excited sebab dapat satu kelas dengan kawan kawan dia . look like there is no changes have been made to our school . nothing much lah . maybe ada lah dua or tiga orang guru baru . HAHA ! I miss sbu lah . sekolah lama kan :) and then lepas tu kitorang went back home . bila dah sampai rumah gila bosaaaann . rasa nak tengok wayang , so we haved decided to go to pavillion untuk tengok wayang . bila dah sampai pavi , tak jadi tengok wayang sebab dah tak cukup masa ! kena amik my dad plus nak bersiap untuk dinner malam nanti . so , kitorang terus went back home . really buang masa betul , HAHA ! tepat pukul 7.30 my family keluar rumah . sampai restaurant tu terus duduk and tengok menu tu :) lapar lapar . and yang paling penting , atas table makan tu ada party pack . wow ! err , there is new year's eve special menu , rm148 ++ per person . tengok menu dia okay lah . we have to eat course by course . there is 4 courses including desserts . below is the pictured of the courses . tapi nak tunggu each courses tu sampai , YA ALLAH . BAPAK lembab ! sumpah slow gila service diorang ni . staff ramai . total kena bayar sampai rm829 -.- makanan dia not bad lah . while waiting the food to be served , we took some picture . after makan , we had a coffe dekat table luar before balik . then we all balik and celebrate new year dekat pool and balcony rumah je . tak perlu pergi klcc yang penuh dengan REMPIT tu . HAHA !

p/s : countdown .

course 1 : this is , macam pembuka selera dia lah .

course 2 : look small , it is salmon fish and some cheese . look like kuah spagetti kan ?

course 3 : beef steak , ni kalau add with olive oil and pepper lagi sedap kot . trust me , sayur tu sumpah tak sedap . HAHA !

course 4 : dessert , chocolate cake with a little decoration plus some kind of cherries i think ?

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