Sunday, February 14, 2010

my dream career

to be a commercial pilot was my dream since i was a kid .
gotta work hard to earn this title " pilot "
feel like i'm addicted to aircraft .
love to wear pilot costumes .
they look so cool with that wings .
feel free up in the sky .
there's nothing can stop me .
Flying Academy Malaysia is where i'm going to be soon . (insya'allah)
plus at my apartment there is one air asia pilot name " Abang Syed Rizal "
for sure he's my idol now :)
to be achieve !

* this is the captain speaking when i'm about to take off to langkawi

captain : " good evening to all passengers , this is your captain speaking . we are about to take off in another 5 minutes . please take a seat and fasten your seat belt . we will taking off in the speed of 250 km/h and reach about 9,000 altitudes , our crew will show you how to used the life jacket and how to used the emergency exit in emergency situation , enjoy the flight "

" i was like , wow ! am i gonna say that one day when i be a pilot , cool "

p/s : I'm going to be captain adam (amin)


  1. Happy Valentine`s Day and Happy Chinese New Year!

  2. I pray for you all the best...
    Hope that we can meet one day as collegue...
    I want to be a pilot too... :)

  3. thanks .
    I will pray for you too :)
