Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Pilot Do In Cockpit ?

A boeing 747-400 is a large aircraft . This type of aircraft can carry up a passengers up to 400++ . This is the procedure that pilot takes before taking off . First of all , contact the control tower and request a taxi light to runway . Control tower will show the path to the runway by following the taxi light . At the runway , control tower will gives the actual speed and altitude for pilot to take off . Pilot have to sets all the speed , altitude and request for take off . After the pilot are given a permission for take off , pilot have to acknowledge . Before taking off , pilot have to insert the speed for take off at 280 knots , altitude should be more than 6,000 feet and flaps are set at least 5 degree . Flaps are important to helped the aircraft for easier lifting . Then push at full throttle until the speed reach at this 3 phrase , 80(V1) , 160(rotate) and 180(V2) . At the speed of 160(rotate) the captain have to pull up the aircraft out of the runway immediately . At the speed of 180(V2) , the gear should be up and lock . Contact control tower and request for a higher altitude after reaching the altitude of 10,000 if necessary and the flaps should be set to neutral . Then switch on the auto-throttle , speed and altitude . And switch on the main auto-pilot button . The control tower will gives the heading of the aircraft until it reach the destination . The pilot have to follow the instruction and sets all the heading that are been given and switch on the heading button . Example of heading is 005 left , 265 right . This heading will be shown in aircraft monitor .

A landing situation , the pilot should make a checklist for airport departure . Contact the control tower and request for landing . Before landing , pilot have to sets the runway frequency at (navigation 1) radio frequency and do not forget to switch on the navigation button . This helped the aircraft approaching the runway or else the aircraft will miss approach . This navigation can only be use in IFR (Instrument Flight Rating) . Some of the airport did not use IFR instead of VFR (Visual Flight Rating) . VFR , pilot have to use their own visual to determine the actual location of the airport to approaching the runway . But , if pilot used VFR , the control tower will give the heading to the runway . So the pilot don't have to be worry . In IFR , after the aircraft have been detected by the runway frequency , switch on approach button , reduce speed and flaps step by step for aircraft to approach the runway slowly . As the aircraft reached 1,000 nautica miles before touchdown , make a final checklist for , landing gear , should be down and lock . Flaps , should be set at full 30 degree (for 747-400) . Trim , should be set for landing and throttle , by using arm . At 500 nautica miles . Disengaged the auto-pilot and speed . At this situation , all the maneuver of the aircraft are manually and fully control by pilot . Then at 100 nautica miles before touch down , the computer will countdown the aircraft for touching down the runway from 100 to 10 . After touching down , quickly use the reverse thrust and speed brake set to up to slow down the aircraft . After the aircraft reached at the speed of 60 knots , push the throttle back to the normal position . And immediately contact control tower to request for a taxi parking light . When entering the taxi path , set the flaps back to neutral and speed brake down . End of procedure , just follow the taxi light for parking . After parking , shut down the engine and make a log report .

Each aircraft are maneuver by a captain and first officer/co-pilot and for certain situation , there is also a flight engineer/pilot engineer .

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